Monday, March 07, 2016

Remember the Fallen: Roger Patterson (Atheist) [EN]

Name:Roger Patterson
Bands:Atheist (αρχικά R.A.V.A.G.E.), Aggressor
Dates of birth / death: November 29th, 1968 - February 12th, 1991
Cause of Death: Tour bus accident

Roger Patterson went down in history as Atheist’s bassist, a musician with some uncanny similarities to Cliff Burton. The same little mustache and eccentric look, a love for weed, humble and down-to-earth, jaw-dropping technical skills, and—most eerily—he died at an incredibly young age (22) in almost the exact same way. But the similarities don’t stop there. Roger Patterson was the backbone of Atheist’s songwriting, to the point where the band built songs around his bass lines—an unheard-of approach that led to something truly unique. Technically, he was an absolute monster, in his era comparable only to Doug Keyser of Watchtower, whom he idolized (a feeling that was mutual).

He played on just one album, the band’s debut, Piece of Time (1989—just a year after Leprosy!), though you should definitely check out Atheist’s demos, some of which are outstanding. He never got the chance to record on their second (and, in my opinion, greatest) album, but he practically co-wrote it, as Shaefer (vocals/guitar) himself has stated. These are insane accomplishments for 1991, an era when the Florida death metal scene was fiercely competitive. But Atheist, driven by their genius bassist, the phenomenal Kelly Shaefer, and the equally godlike drummer Steve Flynn, were the undisputed masters of leaving jaws on the floor—steamrolling everyone in their path. More importantly, though, it was their songwriting and musical vision that rewrote the rulebook forever. They were literal game changers. That’s the real common thread: 22 years old, and they both changed music.

Atheist - Piece of Time (August 30, 1989)

Atheist - Unquestionable Presence (August 30, 1991)

Footage from Roger Patterson's last show, February of 1991. From the tour with Candlemass (!)

R.A.V.A.G.E. - Rotting in Hell demo, 1985

R.A.V.A.G.E. - On They Slay demo, 1987

The (slightly edited here) original text was published in August, 2013, in the Greek Metal Hammer


tigny said...

Another similarity: crazy, relentless headbanging!

Thank you for this article.

Unknown said...

I will never forget you my friend, Roger Patterson. I'm so blessed to be able to share your memory with my newest and best friend James Potter. Who appreciates your style of music. Mucho love to you, Twila Dawn... I will see you again. Evil Chuck too!!! And, to your twin who was so lost without you I'm sending prayers and blessings your way. Muah

Anonymous said...

One of the greatest EVER along with Doug Keyser!!!!! R.I.P. my friend ..;you were such a wonderful person.